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A Culture of Agreement and Accountability

In this Masterclass we will talk about the whats and the how to create co-responsible and governed work environments through a culture of agreement

★★★ Entertaining
★★ Emotional
★★ Paradigmatic
★★★★ Informative
★★★ Technical 

  • "En definitiva considero que este trabajo con la metodología, me ayudó mucho para presentar mejor, en términos de darme certidumbre sobre cuáles son los detonadores de atención, cuáles son los pasos que existen para contar una historia y cambiar la mentalidad de las personas."
    Ricardo Zamora
    Head of Communications de Google México, Central America & Caribbean
  • "Este es un método completamente disruptivo. Para mí ha sido una gran forma de abrir la mente, explorar nuevas alternativas, salir de mi zona de confort y empezar el nuevo reto que es comunicar de forma más eficiente, inspiradora y motivadora. Es un sistema que agrega mucho orden y le da mucho punch a lo que uno quiere decir. Yo doy muchas pláticas dentro y fuera de la compañía y ustedes me ayudaron a ver cosas muy importantes. Presentaciones Asombrosas no solo funciona ¡sino que funciona muy bien!"
    Martin Mariscal Lahusen
    Director de Compliance en Volkswagen
  • "Sin duda Gerardo tiene un gran talento para transmitir los conocimientos que te harán un gran orador y de cómo mover e impactar a la audiencia a través de historias que inspiran."
    María Inés Morán
    Directora de Action Coach Latinoamérica
  • "Fue una actividad sumamente dinámica y útil"
    Sofía Diaz Rivera Ollivier
    Gerente de Sustentabilidad
  • "Fue un entrenamiento muy interesante que nos hizo pensar fuera de la caja. Definitivamente va a retar la manera que tienes de hacer las cosas."
    Natalia Lozano
    Brand Associate en Abbvie
Welcome to Leaderix

La Escuela de Presentaciones en Público y Liderazgo

Leaderlix presents a series of Masterclasses that have the objective of spread our method and our ideas on the most relevant problems of our clients. Register for this Masterclass by completing the form and if your profile matches the profile we are looking for, you will receive an invitation.

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Executives and team leaders about to embark on a new project and who need to remember the bases of co-responsibility to achieve joint objectives, including:

  • Team leaders
  • Rising professionals and potential leaders
  • Area managers in large companies
  • Middle and Upper Management members
  • Agile Team Members

What is this about?

This Masterclass will last approximately 90 minutes where we will address the following topics

How to Articulate Agreements

The first step to move to a culture of compliance with agreements is in how those agreements are made. We will teach a word-for-word model for mistake-proofing agreements.

How to Negotiate Agreements

Circumstances change and it is human to make mistakes, but the key to maintaining integrity without breaking agreements is correct and timely negotiation of agreements. We will learn word by word how to succeed.


Teamwork is achieved, beyond personal responsibility, through team responsibility that we call co-responsibility. We will learn the rules of the game to achieve our objectives in harmony.

Do you want to participate? Fill the form on this page.

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Select a date on this calendar so that we can have an exploratory call and define together if this is for you.